men behind sport. blog

This blog discusses the latest news applied research, insights, case studies, and interventions aimed at supporting senior male performance support staff.
Organisations & Institutes vs Performance Staff (Part 1): Taking Personal Responsibility culture change responsibility Feb 02, 2023

The Problem

We are at a time of evolution within the high-performance sports industry we love.

The reason is that, more than ever before, we are hearing the real accounts of the cost of high-performance sport on the men and women supporting athletes at their own expense.

This is not new. Rather...

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Male Performance Staff: Emotions Are Our Responsibility emotions men in sport responsibility Oct 20, 2022

Our personal sides are rarely discussed within our professional roles in elite sport. But whether we like it or not, they sit just below the surface and inform our every thought, feeling & action.

For me, this caused significant problems in my personal and professional life until I turned my...

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