Taking Back Control

After interviewing 160 coaches in my research (2021-2022) and more than 130 coaches attending my theory and practical sessions at the 2024 United Kingdom Strength & Conditioning Association (UKSCA) Annual Conference, I have learnt that there is a great demand for coaches and support staff to begin a practice to help counteract being:

🚩Emotionally exhausted (pressure to keep delivering)

🚩Stuck in their head (anxious)

🚩Unable to detach from work (skewed loyalty)

🚩Chronic fatigue (self-preservation eg keep justifying role, prove impact, compete for roles) 

This coaching toolbox contains 4 practices you can download as mp3 files.

I have been practising myself for nearly a decade and I have guided sessions like I did at the UKSCA conference since 2016 - it's something I deeply enjoy. This has included organisations such as:

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What's inside the toolbox?


Practice: Start of Day

Outcome: When you practice at the start of your day, you have a chance to begin with resolve – to commit to staying aware and awake in the day.

You have an opportunity to remind yourself of your limited thinking and who you no longer show up as in your day.

Then you can bring to life and embody the thoughts, behaviours, and feelings of who you want to be.

Time: 17 minutes

Practice: Pre-Session

Outcome: You are revolutionising your art of coaching by taking this action. Changing your state before a session to embody the thoughts, behaviours, and feelings of who you want to be for the athletes you work with is where true impact is created.

Become clear, calm and focused to receive and contribute authentically and openly for the greater good of the athletes you're about to lead.

Time: 5 minutes

Practice: Pre-Meeting

Outcome: Judgements and assumptions of colleagues hold back many staff and the departments they work in. There is a pressure felt by many that they need to be the brightest in the room, underpinned by self-preservation due to insecurity of their role. Beliefs around low self-worth also contribute to this dynamic.

You are revolutionising your department by taking this action.

This practice will guide you to change your state before a meeting to become clear, calm and focused enabling you to receive and contribute authentically.

This will enhance trust - the fuel source for impact - allowing you to embody the thoughts, behaviours, and feelings of who you want to be for yourself, your colleagues and the greater good of all involved.

Leadership is a show, not a tell. 

Time: 5 minutes

Practice: Detach From Work & Connect with Family

Outcome: This practice will enable you to detach from your working day, let it go and become who you want to be as a partner and parent.

Our high-performance culture teaches us to act primarily from survival emotions and powerful drives to keep accomplishing and to compete for success.

This drains the body’s vital resources by living only in survival – leaving very little energy for our hearts to open.

This leaves many coaches and practitioners holding back as a partner and a parent when they get home. 

By tuning in to elevated emotions such as love, joy, kindness, compassion, and gratitude, you can develop the courage to open your heart – and begin to lead with love in every area of your life. 

Time: 15 minutes

Download FREE Now: The Coach Toolbox

Once you've filled in your details, you'll be directed straight to the page where you can download all the files. You will also be sent an email with a link to the files.