Welcome to the Untapped Potential Podcast

Season #1

Welcome to the Untapped Potential Podcast

The podcast focused on the men and women behind sport who serve the world’s best athletes.

My research of 160 highly successful practitioners supporting some of the world’s greatest athletes, on one level, achieved a great deal within high-performance sports and academia.

Yet on a much more personal level, many are quietly suffering to maintain the perception of being successful and happy. This is the inconvenient truth sitting just under the surface within our high-performance environments.

Practitioners are driven to make an impact in high-performance sport yet feel lost with direction, stuck and pigeonholed by their identity in sport, and are consistently hovering at the brink of burnout from improving athletes at the expense of themselves.

The cost of this truth ranges from divorce, absent parent, and physical and mental illness, all of which contribute to limiting the performance impact we all strive so hard to achieve.

The human element has been forgotten. with many top practitioners now finding ways to leave our beloved industry.

Until now this message has been just through my voice, as the conversations I’ve had have been confidential. It is now time to bring you those conversations from the practitioners themselves who are stepping up to support the change so desperately needed in our high-performance environments.

Athletes have a vast array of options within their support network, but there is very little currently aimed at offering this unique support for senior performance staff.

The Untapped Potential is the voice of the Practitioner.

We are guided by measuring our individual success by external benchmarks, fueled by a relentless drive to upskill only through the technical lens. This leaves us with huge blindspots within ourselves that limit our happiness and the impact we deliver.

It's easy to learn the scientific principles and X's & O's of our trade. The hard part is mastering our human side, which has been forgotten amidst the data, programs, promotions, medals & papers published.

In this podcast, we aim to carve out the non-technical specific skills required to thrive and activate the untapped potential within the men and women who serve in the support roles behind the world’s best athletes.

This Untapped Potential unlocks the qualities that are most important for you to show up in your role, career and life in your fullest expression - leading to a desperately needed change in culture within our high-performance environments that unlocks profound impact and deeper fulfilment in your being.

Episode 1 will be released in January 2024. This trailer is for you to spread the word.

Sign up to make sure you catch the release of the untapped potential - The voice of the practitioner is here.

See you in January 2024!