Redefining Success as a Practitioner

Is your measure of success defined by the tracksuit you wear, the title you hold or the level of athlete you work with?

The chances are this leads to you feeling a lack of enjoyment, presence and focus in all areas of your life... why?

Despite your achievements and successes, you still feel a sense of something missing with very little fulfilment in what you do.

Everyone wants to be successful.Ā YetĀ few people take the time and energy to define the success they want. As a result, they spend most, if not all, of theirĀ careers in sportĀ chasing whatĀ theirĀ peers and societyĀ superimpose on them as success.

Examples include aĀ higher paid role; a higher-level athlete or team to work in; a prestigiousĀ role; or greater relevance in theĀ academic space. Yet, even if someone finally attains these so-called successes, they are often left wanting.

In ancient easternĀ wisdomĀ there is a concept known as the hungry ghost. The hungry ghost has an endless stomach. He keeps on eating, stuffing himself sick, but he never feels full. Itā€™s a severe disorder.

The hungry ghost of the "better never stops" cultureĀ inĀ high-performance sport and academia, like the one most of us live in, is keeping many practitioners unfulfilled by their career and life.

But you, meā€”all of usā€”can choose to opt out of this game. We donā€™t have to become hungry ghosts. We simply need to step back and reflect upon what it is that we actually want. Simple, sure. But not necessarily easy.

RichardĀ will guide participants through a thought-provoking journey towards redefining your own benchmarks of success.


This workshop will empower you to:

  • Redefine what success is for you based on your internal compass
  • Redefine what sacrifice is for you
  • Get clarity on some of the hidden labels and identities you have that currently keep you lost despite achieving
  • Use the peer group to share and reflect on new perspectives
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Redefining Success as a Practitioner

Everyone wants to be successful. Yet few people take the time and energy to define the success they want. As a result, they spend most, if not all, of their careers in sport chasing what their peers and society superimpose on them as success. This workshop will guide you through a thought-provoking journey towards redefining your own benchmarks of success.

šŸ—“ Tuesday,Ā July 9th, 2024
šŸ• 7:00pm-8:30pm GMT
šŸ”— Zoom

Register Free

What's included:

šŸ”— Zoom link

šŸŽ„ Session recording

šŸ“‹ Workshop reflection

About Richard

For over 16 years, Richard worked as a performance coach in high-performance sport with some of the best organisations and athletes in the world including 3 Olympic Cycles. Despite enjoying his work, underneath he was experiencing imposter syndrome and stuck in his identity as a coach in sport. In 2015 he gave end-of-life care to his mother. This experience changed his life, allowed him to truly see what was important to him and inspired him to provide the support he didn't have. He founded Men behind Sport whose mission is to support practitioners and coaches who are driven to make an impact in high-performance sport yet feel lost with direction, stuck and pigeonholed by their identity in sport and burnt out from improving their athletes at the expense of themselves.