Find your sweet spot

Stop applying to ‘random’ next-stage jobs and instead make your hard-earned career work for you that's sustainable over time

Turn your leadership inwards

When you shift the focus of your development away from technical and towards understanding who you are on an emotional and spiritual level, you enhance the people you work with leading to an improvement of all.


Your own personal advisory board

Stop getting in your own way and second-guessing yourself. Benefit from the knowledge and experience of likeminded purpose-driven practitioners.



What is The Practitioner Project 20/20?

The Practitioner Project 20/20 is a group coaching program designed for those looking to have a rounded and complete development beyond the superficial CV.

It’s a shared journey of discovery where you get to craft an exciting new vision for your next chapter. One where you’re more intentional about your time, the roles you take and how you show up as a leader within those environments.

This process will help you reconnect with your authentic voice and soften the grip your coaching identity has on your life so that you can become more present, stop living to work and to enjoy life outside of sport.

This program is not soley aimed at ‘teaching’ you something. Rather, it’s about opening your eyes to something you may not have been aware of, with the tools to apply this knowledge in a way that serves you.



We are guided by measuring our individual success by external benchmarks, fueled by a relentless drive to upskill only through the technical lens. This leaves us with huge blindspots within ourselves that limit our happiness and the impact we deliver.

It's easy to learn the scientific principles and X's & O's of our trade. The hard part is mastering our human side, which has been forgotten amidst the data, programs, promotions, medals won & papers published.

Continuing Professional Development and sharpening our technical skill set has never been an issue.

What we tend to overlook is that we don’t just coach athletes, we coach people, and more important than the training we deliver is how we lead, communicate and build relationships in order to make our work most effective.

Every coach believes they are an effective leader and communicator, but none of us ever receive any formal education or training in these areas.

Leadership starts with understanding self, and this is what the Practitioner Project is solely aimed at! Who YOU are behind your role.


Trusted by practitioners from


Robert Francis (Lead Performance Coach)

Adam Sullivan (Sport Scientist)

Robert Morledge (Lead Physical Preparation Coach)

Paul Marks (Olympic Head Coach)

Tony Katzenmeier (NBA Athletic Trainer)

Federico Pizzuto (Head of Performance)

"I've spent a lot of time and money in the past on CPD, but this is one of the best investments I've made in myself, the benefits of which will also impact those closest to me."

Adam Sullivan (Sports Scientist)

Enrolment open for Practitioner Project 20/20

Starts January 2025

Just 20 spaces available

Book a call with Richard to find out exactly what's involved, and how it can help you.

Book a call

Registration Closes November 30th









How do I know if this is for me?



You experience this:

  • Emotionally exhausted (pressure to keep delivering)
  • Stuck in your head (anxious)
  • Unable to detach from work (skewed loyalty)
  • Chronic fatigue (self-preservation eg keep justifying role, prove impact, compete for roles)
  • Feel your job is 24/7
  • Feel you need to say you'll do whatever is asked of you
  • You can't switch off even when you try
  • Always aware of who you are being and what you are saying
  • Feel you're being constantly judged
  • Have 'out of the box' ideas yet fear saying them at times
  • Put up a front of who you think you should be rather than who you are
  • Power dynamics operate just below the surface with you unable to see how you contribute to it
  • The work environment actively disempowers the MDT you are part of, which drives dysfunction leading to the support team operating well below their individual and collective potential.
  • Your voice is being suffocated.
  • Got the role, athletes are successful, recognition from peers, decent remuneration yet still feel unfulfilled and lost
  • Unsure of how to balance the next 5 years of your career with your growing family
  • Overwhelmed by all the moving parts in your professional and personal life
  • Often miss the signals of overwhelm and fatigue until it is too late
  • Your motivations are based in fear and lack e.g. sustaining identity, fear of failure, people pleasing, comparison with peers, following other people’s definition of success, low self-esteem, proving impact, justifying role, peer competition (job insecurity)
  • Feeling unmotivated and unfocused at work
  • Struggle to maintain enthusiasm and feel constantly under pressure in your role
  • You question your future in the industry while at the same time failing to find an adequate work-life balance
  • Uncertainty in knowing what direction to go
  • High anxiety at times
  • A lack of enjoyment in your day-to-day
  • A sense of being overwhelmed and unhappy around work
  • A clouded judgement, an inability to know where to start
  • Often don't believe in yourself
  • Burnt out from an intense five-year period in your career while simultaneously working toward a PhD
  • Career has started to feel misaligned with your changing life after the birth of your children
  • Feeling lost and uncertain about your identity and values
  • Cannot understand why you're not fulfilled despite achieving all you have aimed for
  • Don't know how to get clarity on what jobs to go for other than role title and sport
  • Feel overwhelmed when you became aware of how much emotional discomfort you have in your body beyond physical overtraining/injury
  • Lack of clarity
  • Athletes & staff you lead don't get the attention or support they need
  • Focused on things that frustrate you
  • Feeling drained which impacts home life
  • Unsure of why you don't feel satisfied
  • Find it hard to relax and focus on family and other things outside of work
  • Feel in a stalemate
  • Your career isn't progressing and feel you have limited options
  • You're applying to ‘random’ next-stage jobs
  • Feel guilt and low self-value due to your inner voice telling you you're not doing a ‘good enough’ job
  • Don’t look positively at the value you offer
  • Caught in 2 minds about career progression and lifestyle
  • Feel like you're drowning in work leaving you too tired to do anything outside of work
  • Feel like you have to be at work to accomplish something and that you always have to be productive - a constant pressure to keep doing rather than enjoy being


You want to get to this:

  • Understand yourself beyond your superficial CV and qualifications
  • Have a deep understanding of your sense of purpose
  • Have a better understanding of who you are as a man, partner, parent and leader
  • At peace because the dissonance in your mind has gone
  • Free from your mistakes of the past and let go of being in control
  • Develop your perspective outside of sport
  • Reestablish boundaries to work (phone off, email off at pre-determined times)
  • Enhance your skill of self-regulation
  • Leading effectively within your MDT by unhooking yourself from self-preservation
  • Redefine your success, sacrifices and your underpinning motivations
  • Adapting your career making it work for you
  • Become effective rather than right
  • The ability to spot and navigate self-preservation in yourself and those you lead to open up a harmonious and trusting department
  • To understand the drama of human dynamics WE ARE ALL susceptible to, which affects you as much as it affects those you lead limiting how we interact with each other effectively
  • To freely question assumptions and challenge traditional performance department "norms" to create new ways that allow you all to define and keep to personal boundaries
  • Inner freedom for the 'ridiculous' idea to exist
  • A high challenge with high support enabling a rounded staff development based on self-growth (not just technical)
  • Redirect the core of your purpose into yourself, giving you more energy which allows you to deliver your high level of care for others sustainably
  • Become more singularly focused, stopping him from being spread so thin
  • Gain clarity on where you have been and where you want to go
  • Understand what you need physically, emotionally and spiritually
  • Dive deep into your development from a new place of enthusiasm - rather than the old place of anxiety and fear of missing out
  • Become more attuned to understanding where you are being pulled into anxiety and what you can do to reframe and bring yourself back to your centre quicker
  • Become more balanced in your considerations in both your professional and personal life
  • Define the contents in your life - should be doing Vs want to be doing
  • Understand what beliefs serve you and which beliefs are limiting you
  • Critically challenge your assumptions and thoughts
  • Identify the fears you have and actively challenge and transform them
  • Define the qualities you have to offer within and outside of sport
  • Become deeply aligned with your integrity
  • Become aware of what you desire in life
  • Be guided by the clarity of your values
  • Highlight with certainty the career choices that are right for you & your family
  • Learn how to listen to your true voice (which sits before thinking)

Enrolment open for Practitioner Project 20/20

Starts January 2025

Just 20 spaces available

Book a call with Richard to find out exactly what's involved, and how it can help you.

Book a call

Registration Closes November 30th









Connect with your purpose

You'll stop seeking an elusive purpose outside of you and become in tune with what's already within you with the courage to take action on it.

Rise up to get perspective

Become more balanced in your considerations in both your professional and personal life by defining the contents in your life - should be doing Vs want to be doing.

Craft a vision that excites you

Perhaps you had a clear vision when you started your career, but that no longer serves you. You'll be guided to create your picture of the future that you're deeply aligned with and sustainably energises you.

Lead with intelligence, not intellect

Be empowered to understand the drama of human dynamics WE ARE ALL susceptible to, which affects you as much as it affects those you work with. You'll gain the insight to spot and navigate self-preservation in yourself and those you lead to open up a harmonious and trusting department.

Align yourself with your values

I bet you've done a values exercise at work leaving you with a nice list from a tick box exercise. Very few take the journey of truly defining beyond what words sound nice. Once you break values down into what they mean and why, you find true freedom to walk a path that allows you to stay aligned with them. The home of fulfilment.

Open up awareness

The true journey of life is letting go of what no longer serves us. You'll develop the skill to identify and ultimately change old belief systems and thinking  towards new ways of thinking, acting and feeling aligned to how you want to show up as a man, partner, parent and leader.

Robert Morledge

(Lead Physical Preparation Coach)

“Richard was great, he has helped me realise  what I want and how I value my self. He has also helped me in becoming a better leader and how to understand how I’m feeling or how others are feeling. Richard spent time getting to know me and we went further than surface level feelings and thoughts. He helped me understand why I was feeling certain ways and how to manage these feelings. He helped me find solutions to a mixture of issues around day to day problem solving to long term career and my own needs and values.“

A proven process

Clarity. Direction. Freedom. Including and beyond your professional life.

12 weeks. Live Coaching. Support group. Practical frameworks and resources to support your growth. Networking. Additional support from external speakers.

1. Opening up awareness

Self-regulation and emotional intelligence are the fuel that drives successful work environments. Understanding yourself through how the mind and body create your experience is the foundation to becoming a better leader and how to understand how you're feeling or how others are feeling. 

2. Your core compass

Skewed motivation to “succeed” or “achieve” is what sits at the heart of many practitioner problems. Find clarity on your motivations and key drivers by deeply understanding your values, what they mean to you, why they are important and where you're out of alignment.

3. Redefining your identity

Many expend great energy in sustaining an identity that no longer serves them. Identiities however are simply a set of beliefs, which can be redefined. You'll be guided into getting clarity on your personal identities which will allow you to assess which serve you and which are holding you back with the tools to redefine who you want to become.

4. Knowing what you want

Practitioners rarely have the space to freely question their assumptions or challenge traditional performance department "norms" that leads to frustration in their professional or personal situations. When we are in "drama" we step into three primary “roles” or patterns of destructive and reactive thoughts, feelings and behaviours otherwise called The Drama Triangle. The power comes when we get perspective and develop awareness of where we are, to then know where we want to be instead - and how to make that shift.

5. Clear your blocks

The BIGGEST realisation practitioners and coaches experience is when they realise that the permission they've been waiting all along for was their own. You will gain clarity on what is blocking you, how it's blocking you and what you need to do to release those blocks.

6. Sharing your why

There is no such thing as 'finding your purpose.' It's within you right now! All you need to do is tune into it. You'll be guided to get clarity on the 3 cornerstones underpinning your purpose.

7. Finding your sweet spot

Your happiness and fulfilment is at the intersection between what you love, what you're good at, what you can get paid for and what your community needs. You'll gain deep clarity on these areas in your own life.

8. The art of harmony

There is no such thing as work:life balance because they are part of the whole, which means we must learn the art of creating harmony. You'll be guided to get clarity on your fears and hopes, giving you the ability to see warning signs before it impacts your life with clear action steps to satisfy the areas you are balancing in your life.

9. Putting it together

You'll be supported in not only the reflective process, but also and most crucially how to embody and live the changes that have become clear to you that you want to make.

The result?

You have clarity and feel fulfiled...

Leaving you more at peace, enjoying coaching a lot more with a process allowing you to dive deep into your development from a new place of enthusiasm - rather than the old place of anxiety and fear of missing out.

You're much more attuned to understanding where you are being pulled into anxiety and what you can do to reframe and bring yourself back to your centre quicker. 

You will feel much more balanced in your considerations in both your professional and personal life and be delighted with where you find yourself and how you sees things.

Robert Francis

(Lead Physical Preparation Coach / Founder Move Mojo)

"It struck me how lost I was in terms of working in performance sport. The more I’ve been involved with Rich, the clearer I've become with what I want, why I’m not feeling happy with what I’m doing, where I want to be heading and how to start putting change in place."

Who joins Practitioner 20/20?

Coaches looking to understand their potential deeper than their superficial CV!

Head coaches, S&C, physio, nutritionist, data analyst, performance coach, psychologist, sports scientist, performance lead, head of a department... you are part of the support staff that supports athletes!

  • You are a leader of 3 or more people looking to lead more authentically and courageously
  • Find it hard to relax and focus on family and other things outside of work
  • Feel in a stalemate
  • Your career isn't progressing and feel you have limited options
  • You're applying to ‘random’ next-stage jobs
  • Feel guilt and low self-value due to your inner voice telling you you're not doing a ‘good enough’ job
  • Don’t look positively at the value you offer
  • Caught in 2 minds about career progression and lifestyle
  • Feel like you're drowning in work leaving you too tired to do anything outside of work
  • Feel like you have to be at work to accomplish something and that you always have to be productive - a constant pressure to keep doing rather than enjoy being


Enrolment open for Practitioner 20/20

Starts January 2025

Just 20 spaces available

Book a call with Richard to find out exactly what's involved, and how it can help you.

Book a call

Registration Closes November 30th









Paul Marks

(Head Coach Snowboard Race Team, Snowboard Germany)

"What I am seeing now is how it has impacted my coaching. I didn't make this step to become a better coach, it was to find myself, but in doing so there have been so many positive aspects on my coaching style and how I work with my athletes and fellow staff. Finding and understanding yourself feels almost selfish at the beginning, but in the end, it's the most unselfish thing you can do as everyone around you benefits. The blueprint is exactly that, a blueprint. The plan is in place now and I need to continue doing the work. I look forward to continuing my journey with Richard and Men Behind Sport."

Enrolment open for Practitioner 20/20

Starts January 2025

Just 20 spaces available

Book a call with Richard to find out exactly what's involved, and how it can help you.

Book a call

Registration Closes November 30th